Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Importance of College

Many professional dancers start dancing in company's at a very young age. This means that the majority of them skip college. The dance world is extremely competitive, so the younger you are the better. But what happens if your in a company and you brake a foot or get seriously injured ? Your career is over !! Unless you have a college degree in something else. Many dance company's are now encouraging young dancers to get a college education. Its very important and a very smart decision. Just recently my dance partner got in a serious car accident. He dances for a ballet company for his career. Now he can no longer dance for a few months because he is injured. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a college education and can't find a job in the mean time. So now he is stuck at his parents house. As a dancer you are extremely likely to get injured at some point in time, so it is very beneficial to have a college education under your belt in case something like this ever happens. Also, like I said earlier the dance world is very competitive. You can get cut from a company just like that. If you have a degree in something else you can easily find a job. You may rather be dancing, but having a job is better then being jobless in this economy. Clearly, college is the way to go !


  1. I completely agree with your post. All dancers should have a college education for financial security. God forbid but if an accident were to happen and the dancer is injured they can find a job easily so they can support themselves while they are not dancing. Whatever job youth would like to pursue they should always go to college to get a higher education for themselves so they can find jobs more easily.

  2. It's true with any job such as a dancer you have to get a college education. I was actually just talking to my dance instructor about this which is kind of ironic haha. She said, "Being a dancer your body is a ticking time bomb. And that you only have a certain period of time to dance in your lifetime, until your too old." She very correct and anyone who wants to peruse dance has to know the pros and cons, you can't always rely on dance for the rest of your life. Because sadly, money will stop coming in when age starts setting in. So it's very important to get a college education as a backup plan. As a singer/actress I have to do the same thing as well, have a backup plan because you never really know if your going to make it out their. But I always think, well someone has to make it out there, why not me. And I'm sure dancers feel the same way. :)
